Herb & Spice Companion

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Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or rhizome divisions. Cuttings
and rhizomes are preferred, as seeds are difficult to
Water: Regularly, to keep the soil consistently moist.
Mist with water from a spray bottle to simulate the
humidity in the tropics.
Harvest: Snip leaves when needed. After 3 or 4 years,
snip off unripe, green seedpods—if left on the plant
too long, they’ll ripen and break open, spilling out the
seeds. Pods are sun-dried (or “cured”) for several days,
or dried in heated sheds.
Care: Since plants rarely seed in nontropical conditions,
to propagate, dig up the rhizome, divide, and replant.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Stews, curries, rice, breads,
cakes, desserts, ice creams, coffee, teas
Prep: Use whole seedpods for flavor
and remove before serving, or grind the
seeds. Seedpods should be bruised to
release the aromatic oils; just split open
the shell with a pestle or the back of a
spoon, then cook and discard. Or, grind
seeds to a powder: Use a mortar and
pestle rather than a spice grinder, which
doesn’t handle the oily seeds as well.
Simply break the seedpod, discard the
shell, and grind the seeds. Ground car-
damom is potent, so use sparingly.
Serve: Green cardamom flavors both
sweet and savory dishes, everything from
pastries, puddings, and cooked fruit to
braised meats (kormas) and curries.


  • Cinnamon + nutmeg

  • Nutmeg + cloves


Note: There’s no
close flavor match for
cardamom, so these
substitutes will not
replicate the real thing.

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, oranges, pears, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes
Proteins: almonds, cashews,
eggs, lentils, pistachios, walnuts
Seasonings: allspice, anise,
Indian bay leaf, caraway, chili
peppers, cinnamon, cloves,
coriander seeds, cumin, fennel
seeds, ginger, lemon juice,
nutmeg, paprika, pepper, rose
water, saffron, star anise,
turmeric, vanilla

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