Herb & Spice Companion

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indoors in cool weather and given its
required conditions. Pepper needs high
humidity (at least 50 percent at all times)
and temps between 75° and 85°F; it
won’t survive under 65°F. Vines are obvi-
ously natural climbers, so they’ll need a
structure to support their growth habit
indoors; consider growing it as a hanging
plant or installing a stake or trellis.
Size: Up to 15 feet long
Container: 3 to 7 gallons
Light: Full or filtered sun
Soil: Moist, rich, well drained. Mix com-
post into the soil for improved drainage,
or plant in raised beds.
Plant: Seeds, soaked overnight in water
before sowing.
Water: Regularly and thoroughly, to
keep the soil consistently moist. Mist
regularly with water from a spray bottle
to simulate the humidity in the tropics.
After the plant flowers, water constantly to encourage the berries to sprout.
Harvest: Peppercorns may take up to 3 or 4 years to develop. When they do, harvest
according to your desired ripeness, either when green and full-sized, or later.

Keep It Fresh
Dry fresh peppercorns in the sun for several days or on low heat in an oven or dehy-
drator for a few hours.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Pepper can be used to season any savory dish.
Prep: Pepper can be used to season any savory dish. Use whole peppercorns for fla-
vor and remove before serving, or grind in a pepper mill and add to any dish.
Serve: Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper into any dish. It’s integral to many spice
blends, including curry powders, jerk and barbecue spices, pickling spices, garam
masala, quatre épices, ras el hanout, and berbere (see pages 250–251). It pairs well
with all herbs and spices.

Pepper pairs well with all
Seasonings: allspice, basil,
caraway, cardamom, chili
peppers, cinnamon, cloves,
coriander seeds, cumin, curry leaf,
fennel seeds, fenugreek, garlic,
ginger, lemon juice, lime juice,
marjoram, oregano, paprika,
parsley, rosemary, sage, savory,
thyme, turmeric

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