Herb & Spice Companion

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Water: Regularly, when the soil feels dry; more fre-
quently in lighter soils and drought conditions, less fre-
quently for mature trees
Harvest: Depending on its age and health, a mango
tree may take 3 to 7 years to flower and bear fruit.
About 3 months after flowering, the mangoes should
be ready for harvest. Pick while they’re still green.
Care: Protect from winds and frosts. Install stakes to support the growing tree and its
branches. Prune to control size. If growing in the ground, make sure the soil is deep,
as mango trees grow a long taproot.

Drying Mango to Make
Peel the unripe mangoes, then cut into
thin slices or chip-size strips. Let sit in the
sun for several days, turning occasion-
ally, until completely dry. To oven-dry,
spread the mango slices onto a baking
sheet and heat in the oven on the low-
est temperature setting until completely
dry; prop open the oven door to prevent
cooking and turn them occasionally.
Repeat every day until the mango is light
brown and crisp. Then grind to a powder
in a spice grinder.
Dried mango slices will stay fresh for
up to 4 months, while the powder will last
for up to a year in an airtight container.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Curries, soups, meat rubs, marinades, chutneys
Serve: Use whole slices for flavor and remove before serving, or add ground amchoor
to a dish at the end of cooking. It’s a popular ingredient in vegetarian curries and
soups. The tartness and acidity of amchoor balances the sweetness of fruit compotes
and syrups. It adds zest to marinades and rubs for pork, chicken, and fish, while its
acids help tenderize the meat. Amchoor makes a great substitute for lemon or lime
juice in any recipe. Use sparingly, as it’s much sharper: 3 tablespoons lemon juice
roughly equals 1 teaspoon amchoor.


  • Tamarind paste

  • Lime juice

Vegetables: cauliflower,
eggplant, guava, okra, onions,
peppers, potatoes, squash,
tomatoes, zucchini
Proteins: beans, chicken, fish,
lentils, nuts, pork
Seasonings: ajwain, asafetida,
cayenne, chili peppers, cinnamon,
cloves, coriander seeds, cumin,
fennel seeds, garlic, ginger, lemon
juice, lemongrass, mint, mustard,
paprika, pepper, star anise,

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