Herb & Spice Companion

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Soil: Moist, rich, well drained; adaptable to various
well-draining soils. Mix compost into the soil to prevent
weeds, and weed regularly.
Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or young plants; cuttings and
young plants are preferred as seeds need to be strati-
fied in order to germinate (see page 14).
Water: Occasionally; more frequently within the first
month of planting, about twice per week; afterward,
only when the soil dries out; drought tolerant
Harvest: In the fall of its second or third year, once the
berries are blue-black, they’re ready for harvest. Handpick carefully and wear gloves.
Care: Junipers don’t like to be pruned, so make sure the growing site is suitable for
the plant’s mature size; trim only the tips
when they’re in need of shaping, prefer-
ably in the fall.

Drying Juniper Berries
Spread fresh berries onto a flat surface
and let dry at room temperature for up
to 3 weeks. Discard brown berries and
any with holes, which are a sign of bugs.
Dried berries will keep for 1 to 2 years in
a sealed jar.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Stews, braises, marinades,
sauces, rubs
Prep: Crush whole berries using a mor-
tar and pestle or grind to a powder just
before using.
Serve: The clean, vibrant flavor of juni-
per berries enlivens hearty stews and
rich meats. Crushed berries combined
with salt and garlic make a tasty rub for
any meat. The subtle sweetness of the
berries also complements a variety of
fruits and creamy desserts. Place juniper
leaves on a grill to flavor grilled meats.


  • Gin: 1 teaspoon = 2
    juniper berries

  • Bay leaf + caraway

  • Rosemary + lemon

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, beets, berries, cabbage,
carrots, celery, cranberries,
currants, grapes, leeks,
mushrooms, onions, oranges,
potatoes, shallots, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, beef, boar,
cheeses, chicken, duck, game,
goose, lamb, pork, sausage,
turkey, venison
Seasonings: allspice, bay leaf,
caraway, celery leaf, chili peppers,
cinnamon, cloves, coriander
seeds, dill, fennel, garlic, honey,
horseradish, lemon juice and zest,
lime juice and zest, marjoram,
mustard, nutmeg, oregano,
parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage,
savory, tarragon, thyme, vinegar

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