Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 65 –

Harvest: Snip leaves as you need them. If you’re drying
marjoram, wait until the blooms appear and snip off
whole sprigs before they flower, leaving at least two-
thirds of the plant intact so it regrows.
Care: Trim regularly and snip off flower buds to pro-
mote new growth. In temperate climates, place mulch
around the plants during the winter.

Keep It Fresh
Marjoram is very often used dried and can be frozen
in ice-cube trays if you want to save the fresh stuff for
later (see directions on page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, stews, casseroles,
stuffings, sauces, dressings and mari-
nades, liquors, teas, desserts
Prep: Add leaves and flowers, whole or
chopped, to any dish at the end of cook-
ing or just before serving.
Serve: Dried marjoram is more potent
than fresh, so may be better suited for
dishes containing heartier foods like
potatoes, beans, and cabbage. Both fresh
and dried marjoram will flavor cooked
dishes like roasts and lamb stews. Fresh
leaves and flowers are tossed into green
salads, eggs, soups, and veggie dishes.
Stir fresh marjoram into soft, spreadable
cheeses and herb butters, and infuse
into vinegars, syrups, and liqueurs. It also
adds complex sweet-floral flavor to cus-
tards, ice creams and sorbets, and fruit-
pie fillings.




  • Savory

  • Thyme

  • Oregano (only in
    hearty dishes; use

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, apricots, asparagus, beets,
cabbage, carrots, cauliflower,
celery, cherries, eggplant,
mushrooms, oranges, peas,
peppers, pomegranate, potatoes,
spinach, squash, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, fish and seafood,
sausages, turkey
Seasonings: bay leaf, chives,
garlic, horseradish, juniper,
nutmeg, oregano, parsley, pepper,
savory, thyme

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