Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 73 –

Soil: Light, loose, well drained
Plant: Cuttings, young plants, or seeds; cuttings and
young plants are preferred, as seeds can be difficult to
Water: Regularly and evenly, when the soil feels dry;
somewhat drought tolerant
Harvest: Snip off stems at the base.
Care: Prune regularly and snip off flowers to encourage
new, bushier growth. Pruning also improves air circula-
tion. Add mulch to the soil to retain moisture and protect the roots from extreme cold
and extreme heat.

Keep It Fresh
Dried rosemary tastes much like the
fresh herb, so drying is a great option
for longer storage. Dry according to the
directions on page 20.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Stews, soups, marinades, roasts,
breads, casseroles
Prep: Use whole sprigs or chop leaves
very finely, as they are tough and sharp
like pine needles.
Serve: Place whole rosemary sprigs in a
roasting pan or on a grill alongside meat
or fish. Use whole sprigs or chopped
leaves in marinades and stews (remove
whole sprigs before serving), and chop
very finely when adding to casseroles,
roasted veggies, sauces, and soups.


  • Thyme

  • Savory


  • Basil

Vegetables: carrot, celery,
eggplant, green beans,
mushrooms, onions, peas,
potatoes, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, lamb, pork,
salmon, tuna
Seasonings: balsamic vinegar,
basil, bay leaves, chervil, garlic,
honey, lavender, lemon juice,
marjoram, oregano, parsley, sage,
savory, tarragon, thyme

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