Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


Dosages (Madder) — Do not take it (JAD; PH2); 30 grains root 3–4 ×/day (FEL); 1 g powdered
root 3 ×/day (MAD).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Madder) — The court is still out on whether
or not alizarin, lucidin, and purpurin from Rubia tinctorum exert a disintegrating effect on the
surface of bladder and kidney stones containing calcium. Since extracts of the root are mutagenic
and contain genotoxic and tumorigenic compounds, it is not to be recommended (De Smet, 1993).
“Drug should not be administered” (PH2).

MAGNOLIA VINE (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.) +

Synonym: Kadsura chinensis Turcz.
Activities (Magnolia Vine) — Adaptogen (1; AKT; APA; FAY; LAF; SKY); Anorectic (1; APA);
Antacid (1; FAY); Antiaging (f; AKT); Antibacterial (1; FAY; LAF); Anticonvulsant (1; APA;
LAF; PH2); Antidepressant (1; AKT; APA; KEB; LAF); Antifatigue (1; LAF); Antiinflammatory
(1; AKT; KEB; PH2); Antineurotic (f; DAA); Antimutagenic (1; LAF); Antinecrotic (1; KEB);
Antioxidant (1; APA; KEB; LAF; PH2); Antiradicular (1; X10616967); Antiseptic (1; APA);
Antisialagogue (f; LAF); Antitumor (1; KEB; PH2); Antitussive (1; APA; DAA; FAY; LAF;
PED); Aphrodisiac (f; DAA); Astringent (1; AKT; APA); Bitter (PED); Cardiotonic (1; AKT;
LAF); Cerebrotonic (f; FAY); Choleretic (f; FAY); CNS Depressant (1; APA; DAA; FAY; KEB;
LMP; PED); CNS Stimulant (1; DAA; FAY; KEB; LAF; LMP); Digestive (f; PED); Expectorant
(1; FAY; KEB; LAF; PED); Gonadotropic (1; KEB); Hepatoprotective (2; APA; KEB; LAF;
PED; PH2; SKY); Immunodepressant (1; LAF); Immunostimulant (1; FAY; LAF); Memorigenic
(1; AKT; KEB); Myorelaxant (1; APA); Nephrotonic (f; FAY); Neuroleptic (1; PH2); Nervine
(f; KEB); Pectoral (f; LMP); Respirastimulant (1; APA; KEB; LAF); Sedative (f; AKT; KEB;
PH2); Sialagogue Potentiator (1; X8787787); Spermagenic (f; SHB); Tonic (f; AKT; APA);
Tranquilizer (1; APA; LAF); Uterotonic (1; APA; FAY; LAF); Vasodilator (1; LAF); Vermifuge
(1; PH2).
Indications (Magnolia Vine) — Allergy (f; DAA; LMP); Amnesia (f; DAA; SHB;
X11207061); Anxiety (f; PH2); Asthma (f; APA; LAF; LMP); Ataxia (1; KEB); Bacteria (1;
FAY; LAF); Cancer (1; HH2; KEB; LAF; PH2; SKY); Cancer, skin (1; HH2); Chemotherapy
Support (1; SKY); Circulosis (f; LMP); Cold (1; SKY); Convulsion (1; APA; LAF; PH2);
Cough (1; AKT; APA; FAY; LAF; PED; PH2); Debility (f; LMP); Dementia (f; LMP); Depres-
sion (1; AKT; APA; KEB; LAF; SHB); Dermatosis (f; DAA; LMP); Diabetes (f; DAA);
Diarrhea (f; APA; FAY; LAF; PH2); Dysentery (f; DAA; LMP); Dyspnea (f; PH2); Dystrophy
(1; KEB). Enterosis (f; FAY; PH2); Enuresis (f; PH2); Fatigue (1; APA; SKY); Gonorrhea (f;
DAA); Hepatosis (2; AKT; APA; DAA; KEB; LAF; PH2; SKY); Immunodepression (1; FAY;
LAF); Impotence (f; APA; LAF); Infection (1; FAY); Inflammation (1; AKT; KEB; PH2);
Insomnia (f; AKT; APA; DAA; KEB; LAF; PH2); Ischemia (f; AKT); Itch (f; DAA; LMP);
Meniere’s Syndrome (1; KEB); Necrosis (1; KEB); Nephrosis (f; APA; FAY); Nervousness
(1; AKT; APA; KEB; LAF; PH2); Neurasthenia (f; AKT; APA; FAY; LAF; PH2); Neuropathy
(f; DAA); Night Sweats (f; DAA; FAY); Palpitation (f; AKT); Paralysis (2; KEB); Parkinson’s
Disease (2; KEB); Parturition (1; KEB); Pollakiuria (f; PH2); Polyuria (f; DAA; LAF);
Psychosis (2; KEB); Pulmonosis (f; AKT); Senile Dementia (1; KEB); Senility (f; LMP);
Shock (f; FAY); Spermatorrhea (f; DAA; PH2); Stress (1; APA; SKY); Stroke (2; KEB); Thirst
(1; APA); Tuberculosis (f; DAA); Tumor (1; KEB; PH2); Virus (f; DAA); Worm (1; PH2). Not
covered by Commission E (KOM).
Dosages (Magnolia Vine) — 3–9 g powdered herb (AKT); 250–500 mg fruit 1–2 ×/day (APA);
1.5–6 g fruit (LAF); 1.5–15 g fruit (FAY); 5 g crushed fruit/100 ml water, divided into 3
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