Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


DAD); Heartburn (f; DAD); Hepatosis (f; DAD; JLH); Induration (f; JLH); Madness (f; DAD); Nausea
(f; DAD); Ophthalmia (f; DAD); Rheumatism (f; DAD); Uterosis (f; JLH); Vomiting (f; DAD).

ROUND-LEAFED WINTERGREEN (Pyrola rotundifolia) ++

I think the Herbal PDR is dead wrong when it says, “The plant originated in the South Sea islands
but is now naturalized in other climates” (PH2).

Activities (Round-Leafed Wintergreen) — Antispasmodic (f; FEL); Astringent (f; FEL); Diuretic
(f; FEL; MAD); Litholytic (f; FEL); Tonic (f; FEL); Vulnerary (f; MAD).

Indications (Round-Leafed Wintergreen) — Boil (f; FEL); BPH (f; MAD; PH2); Cancer (f;
FEL; JLH); Carbuncle (f; FEL); Carcinoma (f; FEL); Convulsion (f; FEL); Cramp (f; FEL); Cystosis
(f; FEL; MAD; PH2); Dermatosis (f; FEL); Diabetes (f; MAD); Dropsy (f; MAD); Dysuria (f;
FEL; MAD); Epilepsy (f; FEL); Felon (f; JLH); Gravel (f; FEL); Hematuria (f; FEL); Inflammation
(f; PH2); Leukorrhea (f; FEL); Nephrosis (f; MAD; PH2); Neurosis (f; FEL); Ophthalmia (f; FEL);
Prostatosis (f; MAD; PH2); Scrofula (f; FEL); Sore (f; FEL; JLH); Stone (f; FEL); Sore Throat (f;
FEL); Stomatosis (f; FEL); Swelling (f; FEL); Uterosis (f; FEL); UTI (f; FEL; PH2); Water
Retention (f; FEL; MAD); Wound (f; MAD).

Dosages (Round-Leafed Wintergreen) — 1–2 fluid oz decoction 3–4 ×/day (FEL); 1–30 drops
strong tincture (FEL).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Round-Leafed Wintergreen) — Not covered
(AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2
designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD). Chimaphilin may be irritant. Hydroquinones not
for long-term consumption (PH2).

ROWAN BERRY (Sorbus aucuparia L.) ++

Synonyms: Pyrus aucuparia (L.) Gaertn., P. aucuparia var. dulcis (Kraetzl) Asch. & Graebn.,
Sorbus aucuparia f. fastigiata (Loudon) Rehder, S. aucuparia var. dulcis Kraetzl, S. aucuparia var.
edulis Dieck, S. aucuparia var. moravica Dippel, S. aucuparia var. pendula G. Kirchn., S. aucuparia
var. rossica Späth ex Koehne, S. aucuparia var. xanthocarpa Hartwig & Rümpler.

Activities (Rowan Berry) — Antiinflammatory (f; PHR); Astringent (1; FEL; WOI); Catabolic (f;
PHR); Depurative (f; WOI); Diuretic (f; MAD; WOI); Emetic (f; DEM); Emmenagogue (1; EFS;
WOI); Irritant (1; PHR); Laxative (1; HHB; MAD; WOI); Litholytic (f; MAD); Pectoral (f; EFS;
WOI); Sialagogue (1; HHB); Uricosuric (f; PHR).

Indications (Rowan Berry) — Angina (1; FAD; FNF); Anorexia (f; DEM); Arthrosis (f; KOM); Boil
(f; DEM); Bronchosis (f; WOI); Cancer (f; JLH); Cancer, rectum (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; FAD; FNF);
Catarrh (f; MAD); Childbirth (f; DEM); Cholecystosis (f; WOI); Cold (f; DEM); Colic (f; DEM);
Constipation (1; HHB; MAD; WOI); Cough (f; WOI); Croup (f; DEM); Debility (f; DEM); Depression
(f; DEM); Diabetes (f; KOM; PHR; PH2); Diarrhea (1; FEL); Diphtheria (f; DEM); Dropsy (f; MAD);
Dysmenorrhea (f; PHR); Dyspepsia (1; KOM; WOI); Dysuria (f; FAD); Enterosis (f; MAD); Fever (f;
CEB; MAD; PHR; PH2); Fracture (f; MAD); Gastrosis (f; MAD); Gonorrhea (f; DEM); Gout (f;
KOM; PHR; PH2); Hemorrhoid (f; WOI); Hepatosis (f; MAD); Hoarseness (f; MAD); Inflammation
(f; KOM; PHR); Leukorrhea (f; WOI); Nephrosis (f; HH2; MAD); Pain (f; DEM); Pharyngosis (f;
FEL); Pleurosis (f; DEM; MAD; PHR; PH2); Pneumonia (f; DEM); Proctosis (f; FEL; JLH); Pul-
monosis (f; DEM; MAD; PHR); Rheumatism (f; HH2; KOM; PHR; PH2); Scurvy (f; FEL); Stom-
achache (f; MAD); Stone (f; MAD); Strangury (1; WOI); Tonsilosis (f; FEL); Tuberculosis (f; MAD);
Vaginosis (f; FEL); VD (f; DEM); Water Retention (f; MAD; WOI); Wound (f; MAD).

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