A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE
HYDRANGEA Hydrangea arborescens COMMON NAMES: Wild hydrangea, seven barks (due to the seven separate layers ...
HYSSOP Hyssopus officinalis FEATURES: Native to southern Europe, sparsely naturalized in the United States. The c ...
considered a wild growing plant in Russia, but cultivation is profitable for medical, industrial, and commercial ...
JUNIPER Juniperus communis COMMON NAMES: Juniper bush, juniper berries. FEATURES: An ornamental evergreen of the pi ...
alone in sensitive conditions. Small doses reduce irritation, while large doses may increase it, so it is b ...
LADY’S SLIPPER Cypripedium pubescens COMMON NAMES: Nerve root, Noah’s ark, yellow lady’s sliper, American valpr ...
LICORICE Glycyrrhiza glabra COMMON NAME: Sweetwood. FEATURES: A perennial species introduced into various countries ...
apt to sicken the stomach or even produce vomiting from its relaxing character. DOSE: 1 pound of licorice ...
LIFE ROOT Senecio aureus COMMON NAMES: Squaw weed, ragwort, false valerian, golden senecio, female regulator, ...
DOSE: Tincture of Senecio alone, 10–20 drops in water three or four times a day. HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: ...
LINDEN Tilia cordata COMMON NAMES: Lime tree, common lime, linden flower, American basswood. FEATURES: Linden ...
EXTERNALLY: Poultices on boils and other painful swellings. HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of fresh blossom for d ...
LOBELIA Lobelia inflata COMMON NAMES: Indian tobacco, emetic weed, poke weed, asthma weed, gagroot, wild ...
MEDICINAL PARTS: Leaves, stems, root. SOLVENT: Water. BODILY INFLUENCE: Emetic, stimulant, antispasmodic, expect ...
amenorrhea, angina pectoris, asthma, cardialgia, cough, croup, deafness, debility, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, ...
LUNGWORT Pulmonaria officinalis COMMON NAMES: Spotted lungwort, maple lungwort, Jerusalem cowslip, spotted comfrey ...
literature of lungwort being used with other compounds. Externally: Vulnerary for dressing and washing woun ...
MANDRAKE Podophyllum peltatum COMMON NAMES: Mayapple, hog apple, American mandrake, Indian apple, raccoonberry, wi ...
old cases of mecurial poisoning it acts promptly; as a tonic and alterative should always be combined wit ...
MILKWEED Asclepias syriaca COMMON NAMES: Emetic root, snake milk, milk ipecac. FEATURES: Most of the 150 spe ...
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