The Perfect 10 Diet_ 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! ( PDFDrive )

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which are heavily influenced by the food industry and its lobbyists. As I
explained in the introduction to this book, doctors have little time to spend with
their patients in the age of HMOs. They’re also trained to treat diseases with
drugs instead of nutrition, and they’re constantly inundated with propaganda
from pharmaceutical companies.
Diabetic? Take this pill. Overweight? Take this pill. Depressed? Take this pill.
There are pills for this and pills for that. If doctors took the time to check their
patients’ levels of insulin, growth hormone, thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and
testosterone instead of just treating their symptoms, they’d quickly learn that
many health problems can be eliminated simply through diet changes or
adjusting hormones to normal levels.
Some of my patients call me a holistic doctor, and others call me a diet doctor.
Believe me: I’m neither. I practice medicine the way it is supposed to be
practiced. There is a definite need for drugs, but drugs can’t replace a healthy
diet. Unfortunately, the medical system in the United States is broken.

My Promises Are Huge Because the Perfect 10 Diet Delivers
I’m a firm believer in the curative power of food. Although I can’t say with
certainty that we can completely undo the permanent cellular damage caused by
eating the wrong food, I say that I’ve seen the health of thousands of my patients
improve dramatically once they followed the Perfect 10 Diet with its balanced
approach. The secret to perfect 10 health and weight loss is hormonal harmony.
Believe it or not, on the Perfect 10 Diet you will eat a lot of rich food and plenty
of calories, and you’ll still manage to lose weight. Sounds crazy? No, folks; your
hormones will be working for you and not against you. That’s why the Perfect
10 Diet is groundbreaking and earth shattering.
I know you have a hectic and busy life, so I will break it down and give you a
sensible plan to make it easy to follow. I promise to give you all the information
you need to improve your health. But you need to be an active participant. You
have to be responsible for your own health because I can’t baby-sit or supervise
you. Everything you put in your mouth counts and ultimately affects your
hormones and health. So forget low-fat, lowcarb popular diets and everything
else. We are starting fresh here. Balance and natural food is all it takes to be fit.
I realize that some of you just want to lose weight without knowing a whole
lot about nutrition. “Tell me what to eat every day, Doctor. Give me a plan for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lower my cholesterol because I have no time.” I
hear disturbing statements like this from many of my patients all the time, even
from those who are quite sophisticated.

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