The Perfect 10 Diet_ 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! ( PDFDrive )

(Andrews555) #1
•   get a   higher  sex drive
• have more energy
• delay the aging process
• prevent old-age diseases
• live a longer life

Are you ready to sign up? Are you ready to give your hormones a total
makeover that will spill over to give you a sexy body and radiant skin? Great.
Let’s get to how the Perfect 10 Diet works.

The Perfect 10 Diet Approach Is HighFat/LowCarb
Welcome to the future. No calorie counting here on the Perfect 10 Diet. Today,
we have a greater understanding of how hormones affect weight, metabolism,
and overall health. So it’s time for a new slim-down mantra. Eat more fat and
lose weight. No joke!
I am talking about moderation, of course, not the very highfat/highprotein/
lowcarb extreme to shut down growth hormone, the youth hormone. The food
choices on the Perfect 10 Diet help you drop the pounds and curb your appetite.
So get ready to say, “Good-bye hunger, hello sexy body.”
When you follow a more balanced diet, with less sugar and the right amount
of natural fats, you’ll slow down the absorption of food in your digestive tract. A
slower pace of digestion delays the release of sugar into the bloodstream and
stabilizes your sugar and insulin levels, which will make you less hungry. Your
body will use the natural fats you eat for energy instead of all that sugar from
carbs, and you’ll end up eating less.
Many people fear that eating too much fat will make them fatter, and they
believe that they’re better off eating more carbohydrates. But there is a built-in
safeguard when we eat natural fats: they do not trigger exaggerated insulin
secretions. A stable insulin level promotes satiety, so our bodies do not crave an
overabundance of food.
Here’s an example: Avocados are a virtually perfect source of dietary fat, but
how many avocados can you eat at a time? On the other hand, given the same
level of hunger, how many cookies could you eat? Here’s another example: How
many pieces of fish, such as salmon, with a rich, creamy, buttery sauce could
you eat for lunch or dinner? Compare that to the number of pizza slices you
could eat for the same meal. You see my point? When you provide your body
with healthy, natural fats as a source of fuel, you require fewer calories, produce
less insulin, and in turn, you lose weight. No more processed food is allowed

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