Lonely Planet

(Jacob Rumans) #1

SleepingTOP PICKSFURTHER READINGLonely Planet’s Portugal guide(£16.99) has a chapter on theAlentejo region, which youcan download separately atlonelyplanet.com (£2.99).RURAL LIFE IN ALENTEJO122 Lonely Planet Traveller October 2017``````Quinta do Barrieiro ££Best for inspiration(quintadobarrieiro.pt)Home to a sculptor and an archi-tect, this superb hillside retreatprovides comfort, creativity andgreat walks around the property.``````São Lourenço do Barrocal £££Best for understated luxury(barrocal.pt)An old farming village is now a780-hectare estate set among olivegroves and vineyards, completewith a spa and horse riding.``````O Monte do Alhinho ££Best for farmstays(omontedoalhinho.com)-XVWÀYHPLOHVIURP0pUWRODWKLVconverted farmhouse has massiveURRPVDSRROÁXՖ\ZKLWHWRZHOVand superb Portuguese breakfasts.``````Pousada de São Francisco(Convento Beja) £££Best for heritage(pousadas.pt)A former 13th-century conventcomplete with Gothic chapelRՖHUVOX[XULRXV¶FHOOV·LQ%HMD``````Casa Amarela ££Best for seaside escapes(casaamarelamilfontes.com)Eclectic knick-knacks and art-ZRUNÀOOWKHFKHHU\\HOORZPDLQEXLOGLQJDQGDQQH[HLQVXUIHUIULHQGO\9LOD1RYDGH0LOIRQWHV``````Horta do Padre £Best for Portuguese tradition(hortadopadre.blogspot.com)Our pick of the bunch in Alvito,WKLVIRUPHU$OHQWHMDQIDUPKRXVHis owned by Fernanda and Lino,who know a lot about the region.``````MAP KEYSIGHTSArraiolosCastelo de MarvãoCromeleque dosAlmendresParque Natural do Valedo GuadianaACTIVITIESBeira Rio NáuticaCaballos MarvãoHerdade do EsporãoEATINGCafé-RestauranteAlentejoSabores de MonsarazTasca do CelsoSLEEPINGCasa AmarelaHorta do PadreO Monte do AlhinhoPousada de São Francisco(Convento Beja)Quinta do BarrieiroSão Lourenço do Barrocal

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