Everything Is F*cked
Dedication For Fernanda, of course ...
Contents Cover Title Page Dedication Part I: Hope Chapter 1: The Uncomfortable Truth Chapter 2: Self-Control Is an ...
Part I: Hope ...
Chapter The Uncomfortable Truth On a small plot of land in the monotonous countryside of central ...
a megalomaniacal mass murderer trying to conquer the world and the hard place was rampant, senseless genocid ...
concentration camp. Once he got there, he saw that the reality of Auschwitz was far worse than anyone had suspe ...
fucked. Nothing. Pilecki was the first person ever to alert the world to the Holocaust. His intelligence was ...
Bravery is common. Resilience is common. But heroism has a philosophical component to it. There’s s ...
life such that in the hour of my death I would feel joy rather than fear.” And if that’s not the m ...
Okay, where were we? Oh yeah! The incomprehensibility of your existence—right. Now, you might be ...
about ourselves and the world, is constructed for the purpose of maintaining hope. Therefore, hope is the only ...
limited time here on earth^6 —in short, what to hope for. They are struggling to see what the before/af ...
This is not easy to do (obviously). And in the twenty-first century, it’s arguably more difficult tha ...
upswing among the adult population.^22 Not only are people experiencing depression in greater numbers, bu ...
To build and maintain hope, we need three things: a sense of control, a belief in the value of someth ...
Chapter Self-Control Is an Illusion It all started with a headache.^1 “Elliot” was a successful man, an execut ...
unreasonable. You skipped an investor’s meeting to buy a new stapler, Elliot? Really? What were you thinking?^2 ...
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