the money you make, but is a matter of engaging in things for the sheer
joy of it.”
Perhaps more than anything, you promote your children’s wellbeing
when you demonstrate joy that springs from your own being. When they
observe you living from pure being, content to exist as you are without
the need to forever be in production-mode, they locate this capacity
within themselves. They realize they are ultimately responsible for their
own internal state and learn to access their own joy, which journeys with
them no matter what their circumstances.
Your children are well on their way to consciousness when they realize
that to simply be with themselves and with you, connected at a deep
level—human being to human being, without interference from outside
distractions—is the source of fulfillment. Mastering the art of simple
living in this way, they grow up to appreciate all that life has to offer.
Appreciating life for what it already is, not for what they imagine it
ought to be, the ordinary in themselves, others, and life itself takes on a
magnificence of its own.
michael s
(Michael S)