The Conscious Parent

(Michael S) #1

is dry. Authentic giving originates from a well that overflows.
Coming from this inner connection, encourage your children to live
from their essential being. Released from the snare of your fantasies,
expectations, and need to control, they are free to live out their own
destiny. Instead of shaping them in your image, you become a witness to
their uniqueness as it unfolds—something you can do because you have
also become a witness to your own uniqueness.
As you increasingly honor your true being, elements in your life that
were previously props for your inauthentic self fall by the wayside. Other
elements now enter your life to support your authenticity, as the external
follows the internal. Because of your silent connection with your
intrinsic being, you find yourself able to support the emergence of your
children’s true being. Having learned to live from an authentic place, you
are no longer threatened when your children speak their truth and live
their life authentically.

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