The Conscious Parent

(Michael S) #1

When we honor this essence, they trust we understand that their internal
world is good and worthy, regardless of what manifests externally. Our
ability to stay connected to their essence, holding steady through those
periods in which their external world may be falling apart, conveys the
message that they are of immense value.
Allow me to suggest some of the ways in which you can let your
children know they are accepted simply for themselves, quite apart from
anything they do:

They    are resting,    and you tell    them    how appreciated they    are.
They are sitting, and you tell them how happy you are to sit with
They are walking in the house, and you stop them to say, “Thank
you for being in my life.”
They hold your hand, and you tell them how much you love to hold
They wake up in the morning, and you write them a letter saying
how blessed you are to get to see them first thing in the day.
You pick them up from school and tell them how much you missed
They smile, and you tell them your heart is warmed.
They kiss you, and you tell them you love being in their presence.

Whether you have an infant or a teen, your children need to feel that
just because they exist, they delight you. They need to know they don’t
have to do anything to earn your undivided attention. They deserve to

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