Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

How to Use Love and Logic Pearls

Knowing some basic concepts on parenting is a good beginning; they
offer a foundation on which to build a system of discipline. But putting
those ideas into practical use puts us on more treacherous ground. How
do we handle children who pull a volcanic eruption whenever they don’t
win a struggle of wills? What about those little guys who meet even our
kindest inquiry with the words “Get out of my face, sucker”? How about
the children who won’t go to bed on time, get up, do chores, do
homework, or feed the pets? We don’t want philosophy — we want
answers! How do thinking words, choices, and empathy with the
consequences play themselves out in real, practical, get-down parenting?
The second half of this book consists of forty-eight Love and Logic
pearls, each one addressing one of the most common disciplinary
problems a parent will meet during a child’s first twelve years. In these
pearls, we have explored and discussed individual challenges and given
sound, practical advice on how to deal with them. Many of the pearls also
contain a sample dialogue that shows how to discuss the issue with the
But reader beware: Do not try these pearls until you’ve read the first
half of the book. Don’t try to build the house until you’ve laid the

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