Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

nothing moves out of our pockets.
Observe how this dad handles daughter Jenna’s midweek crisis:

JENNA:  “Dad,   I   need    more    allowance.”
DAD: “Yeah, that’s kind of how it is for me. I always need more
money in my paycheck than I get. Any idea what you’re going to
JENNA: “Yeah. I’m asking you. Dad, could you give me more
DAD: “Well, I’ll be happy to give you your allowance on Saturday.
But for now, maybe you’ll consider bidding on someone else’s
chores around the house so you can earn some money that way.”
JENNA: “But I need it now!”
DAD: “Boy, I bet you do. But don’t worry. You’ll get more on
JENNA: “That’s not fair!”
DAD: “That could be true, and there will be more on Saturday.”
JENNA: “My friends don’t have this problem because their parents
love them and give them more money.”
DAD: “I bet that’s true, too, and there will be more on Saturday.”

If Jenna keeps it up, Dad could put a finishing touch to the discussion
by saying, “If I kept carrying on like that with my boss, how do you
suppose he’d feel about my job? He’d feel like paying me less, wouldn’t
he? So do your best to solve this, Jenna. We’ll see you later.”

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