Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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much television will turn their brains to oat bran.
Foster once reminisced, for the benefit of his son Jerry (who was
eleven at the time), about a brain operation he had performed as a
neurosurgeon: “I remember my last neurosurgery case. This guy came in
who was a little spacey. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong with
him, as the X-rays didn’t show much, so we put him on the table and
anesthetized him and then performed some burr holes in his head. Guess
what happened? His brains flowed out the holes like thin cottage cheese.
We couldn’t understand it. Then we checked his file again, and there it
was, clear as day: This guy had watched TV four hours a day for the past
six weeks.” Jerry’s eyes popped out like a pirate’s telescope because he
had been watching four hours of television a day for the past six years!
In the long run, our kids will likely decide not to watch too much
television because they have found other things to do or they believe it’s
not good for them.

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