Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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make    a   difference  in  a   world   of  your    own creation    and that    other
people would play by your rules.”
ROB: “What do you mean, Dad?”
DAD: “Well, as exciting as the combat is, you are living in a world
created by very talented and creative computer artists and coders.
They’ve been really good at creating worlds where other people want
to spend a lot of time.”
ROB: “Yeah, but it’s not like I’m not making my own decisions.”
DAD: “I bet you make good ones. Can you make any decision?”
ROB: “No, not any.”
DAD: “Right. You can’t decide to climb a tree, right?”
ROB: “No.”
DAD: “Or set up possibilities for peace.”
ROB: “Dad, this game isn’t about peace!”
DAD: “Well, that’s kind of my point. It seems a little limiting to me.
You get to advance to new levels in a way they have programmed,
ROB: “Well, yeah, I guess.”
DAD: “Don’t get me wrong, Rob. When I see you here enjoying the
game, I realize that most people play the game of life by other
people’s rules. So join the human race. However, the more time you
spend outside of virtual reality, with real people, the more you gain
skills to communicate and create a world of your own making, not
someone else’s.”
ROB: “I get your drift, Dad.”
DAD: “Well, good luck, pal! Thanks for giving this some thought.”

Video Game Addiction

Problems with video games can go much deeper than this, and dealing
with them can have many of the same challenges as facing up to any
other addiction, such as gambling. The following story can give us an
example, and hope, about such situations:

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