Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

gaining by relinquishing, 91 , 125
gaining through choices, 79–96
giving away, 21 , 79–80, 84–85, 114
giving in, 89
illusion of, 252
increasing, 29 , 81 , 84–85
internal, 195 , 197 , 205
loss of, 70 , 81 , 83 , 92
permission and, 201
punishment and, 108
regaining, 71 , 74
resistance to, 81
retaining, 202
self, 116 , 195 , 248
taking, 42–43, 139
uncontrollable matters, 72 , 83 , 147 , 158
who exercises, 188
control battles, 80–81, 84 , 114
avoiding, 85
bedtime and, 125–27
cleaning up rooms and, 215
friends and, 173
provoking, 89–90
setting up for, 85–86
stealing and, 228
worthwhile, 253
cooperation, 85 , 86 , 87 , 89
coping opportunities, 32 , 54 , 68 , 180
bullying, 130–31
divorce, 155
coping skills, 105 , 180 , 206
post-divorce, 154

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