Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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excess of, 32
confidence, 23 , 34 , 39 . See also self-confidence
consequences, 27 , 34
allowing teaching by, 94 , 98–99, 107 , 199
appropriate, 105 , 148–49
avoiding/escaping, 53 , 54 , 67–68, 100 , 101
of behavior, 67–68, 152 , 172
choices about, 219
damaging, 26
delayed, 60–61, 95 , 104–6, 132–33
experiencing, 29 , 89 , 96 , 167 , 195
imposing, 103 , 185
living with, 13 , 42 , 85
meaningful, 61 , 77
monetary, 101 , 104 , 161 , 180 , 215
natural, 31 , 100–102. See also significant learning opportunities
by non-parents, 107 , 190
parents’ comfort with, 23
real-world, 100
source of, 57
teaching by, 26 , 27 , 36 , 55
thinking about, 75 , 105 , 106 , 221
as threats, 113
tough, 62
consultant parents, 27 , 59–60, 257
vocabulary of, 59 , 94
control, 25 , 37 , 79 , 235
ability to, 26 , 46–44, 99
of actions, 27
of behavior, 63
by child, 57 , 81–83, 89–90
difficulty in, 91
external, 195 , 197 , 248

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