Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

cleaning up rooms, 214
honesty, 199
to influence behavior, 55 , 84 , 98
problem ownership, 191
responsibility, 116 , 210–11
self-control, 116
taking care of self, 61 , 114
by talking to spouse, 210–11, 233–34, 246
television watching, 239
toilet training, 244
tooth brushing, 233
values, 246
money, 76 , 120–22, 165
gift spending, 181
loans, 31
matching-funds approach, 167
paying for choices, 101 , 104 , 161 , 180 , 215
monsters, 168–69
moodiness, 147 , 153
morality, 24

nagging, 102
nasty looks, 200–202
needs, 166
night wandering, 217–18
nightlights, 169 , 217
no, 75 , 76 , 206–7
no-nos. See limits
nuclear family, 13
nurturing, 26

obedience, 70 , 84
delayed, 73–74

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