Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1


Setting Limits Through

Thinking Words

Rash    words   are like    sword   thrusts,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18

Love and Logic parenting is a law-and-order philosophy. Just because

we recommend that parents shy away from issuing orders and imposing
their solutions on their kids’ problems does not mean we give license to
all sorts of misbehavior. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither
of us is in any way soft on misbehavior.
True, we allow our kids to mess up, and we don’t drive home the lesson
of their misdeeds with our words. We are slow to lecture; we never
actually tell our kids what they have just learned. We believe telling our
kids what to think is counterproductive. We can give them guidance
(more on that in subsequent chapters), but they must think for
themselves. Making enforceable statements and giving choices forces
that thinking back on them.


Using   Love    and Logic   with    Toddlers
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