The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically I

(sharon) #1
166 The Explosive Child

So statements like “OK, we’ll do that later” or “We’ll go
there soon” or “You can do that for a while” have the po-
tential to fuel their frustration, even in the context of
Plan B.

Trent (sitting in the backseat of the family car): I need
something to eat.
Mother (in the role of genius and lucking out,
temporarily): We’ll stop for something very soon.
Trent: OK.
[Five minutes of silence elapse.]
Trent (with agitation): I thought you said we were
stopping to eat!
Mother: I said we’d stop soon.
Trent (with significantly greater agitation): I can’t
wait! You said we were stopping!
Father (choosing Plan A over performing a rescue
mission): Your mother said we’d stop soon; now
put a lid on it!
Trent (very loudly, kicking the back of his father’s
seat): You guys are such freaking liars! You always
do this! You say you’ll do something, and then you
Mother (still no Empathy): Look, we’ll stop for food as
soon as we can.
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