The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically I

(sharon) #1
Pathways and Triggers 43

cess alone) and important conditions (an assembly, per-
haps) that would suggest the need for an adaptation in
plan. These children may experience enormous frustra-
tion as they struggle to apply concrete rules to a world
where few such rules apply:

Child (in a car): Dad, this isn’t the way we usually
go home.
Father (driving): I thought we’d go a different way
this time, just for a change of pace.
Child: But this isn’t the right way!
Father: I know this isn’t the way we usually go, but it
may even be faster.
Child: We can’t go this way! It’s not the same! I don’t
know this way!
Father: Look, it’s not that big a deal to go a different
way every once in a while.
Child: (Kaboom)

If you’re guessing that Jennifer (star of the waffle
episode in chapter 1) was a black-and-white thinker
stuck in a gray world, you’d be right. Can the Jennifers of
the world be helped to approach the world in a more
flexible manner? You bet. But not if the adults around
them are busy being inflexible themselves.

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