Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1
•   When    possible,   leave   the little  potty   by  the child’s bed.    We  want    to  give    the child
every opportunity to do this on her own, if she decides to.
• Don’t chase time. If you find you are doing everything possible and there’s no
discernible pattern, it’s okay to rediaper at night for a month or two. While some
adjusting of wake-ups may be necessary, don’t chase time all over the night. Try to
pick up the child’s pattern, if possible.
• Night training is never behavior. The child is never manipulating you with peeing in
the night.

Block Seven: College . . . Still Needing to Prompt


Sort of a joke, sort of not. Your child will need reminding and
prompting for years to come. The only difference will be, it will be
woven into the fabric of your everyday life. There is no distinct finish
line for potty training. I like to say this: when you can have five
consecutive thoughts that have nothing to do with pee and poop,
your child is well on his way.
Accidents happen. Molars, big or small life changes, daylight
savings . . . all kinds of things can affect the process. If there’s a
backslide, go back and run through the blocks again, super fast.

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