Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

Jamie’s Top Twelve Questions

from Parents

  1. Your book is mostly written for moms. What about us single or
    stay-at-home dads? Don’t we count?
    Yay! I’m so thrilled you are a dad who is actively or maybe even
    solely handling this milestone. I truly love this. The reality is, even
    in this modern day and age, 95 percent of the people doing the potty
    training are the moms. In a large percentage of households, the dad is
    still the breadwinner and still the parent out of the house for most of
    the day. I absolutely love that you, Dad, are doing this, but I felt I
    needed to address the larger percentage. But Rock ON with your

  2. What can I do to make my child sit? He just won’t sit long
    enough to pee.
    This problem is usually in the first few days of potty training,
    definitely a Block One problem. Usually riding it out with patience is
    the biggest solution. The child just hasn’t connected the dots with
    sitting and releasing. Remember, just a day or two ago, he could pee
    on the run anywhere he wanted. Gently holding him in place while
    you sing a song or read a book is most useful. You should not be forcing
    him to sit. “Uh-uh . . . sit down while your pee comes out” is a helpful
    phrase. Carve out a little potty corner, have books and some favorite

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