Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

mentioned. Ask him outright. Don’t let him get away with vague
answers. If he has a real, honest, legitimate objection, that’s
something you two need to discuss further and work out.
If you suspect he’s just not interested because he’s probably not the
one doing the work . . . not good enough. I think sometimes we moms
trample on dads because we are the primary caregivers (huge
generalization, but you know what I mean). I’ve had dads that, as it
turns out, were just hurt that the mom went and decided to tackle a
huge milestone without their input. He’s vital to this process, just as
you are, so let’s involve him right from the beginning. And let’s
understand and validate how he truly feels about this process, yeah?
Oh, and when your kid is potty trained, you can expect Dad to
practically explode with pride and lap up the congratulations.

A Word About Potty Chairs

It’s a pretty good idea to have a little potty chair, even if you are
morally opposed to them. We really want to foster independence.
Your child most likely is a long way away from being able to manage
the big toilet alone, even with a step stool. The potty chair is
temporary; soon, he will be big enough for the “regular” toilet. I am a
fan of both potty chairs and inserts for the big toilet. I have no
opinion whatsoever about where you keep the potty chair or how
many you have around the house. Buy a pot for every room if you
want. I wouldn’t worry about any sort of bathroom etiquette at this
point. I know some parents feel strongly about only doing poop or pee

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