why, but I’m happy to be wrong.
A few quick side notes before we begin. Throughout this book, I’ve
shared a lot of blog posts I’ve written. I highly suggest you subscribe
to my blog. I learn new things every day from clients, and I keep my
thoughts very up to the minute there. Plus, I’ve been told I’m funny.
In using this book, I highly recommend you read up through
chapter 5, “Ditch the Diapers! The How-To.” I’ve kept the how-to as
simple as possible, because some people cruise right through the
process with nary a question. The rest of the book is all—and I mean
all—I know about potty training. It’s an overwhelming number of
what-ifs and how to fix them. This sort of thing may be your idea of
fun reading, but I don’t recommend overwhelming yourself with
potential problems that may never exist for you.
I will mention clients and specific situations throughout. For
privacy, all names have been changed. I’ve also blended various
scenarios for brevity.
I cuss, my humor has been termed “sick,” and I’m pretty sarcastic.
It’s not out of disrespect. I make my living talking about poop; I have
to have some levity. I don’t mean to offend, nor do I take such a
major milestone lightly. Still, sometimes no word other than “f**k”
will do.
I’m thrilled you’ve chosen me to help you on this journey. Now . . .
are you ready to kick some potty training butt?