Child Development

(Frankie) #1



Percentage of Children Ages 2 to 18 by Age and Diet Quality as Measured by the Healthy Eating Index, 1994– 1996

1994 1995 1996
Age Good Needs Poor Good Needs Poor Good Needs Poor
dieta improvementa dieta dieta improvementa dieta dieta improvementa dieta
Ages 2–52663112768 52468 8
Ages 6– 12 13 75 12 11 82 7 12 75 13
Ages 13– 18 8 69 23 5 b 76 19 6 74 20
aA Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score above 80 implies a good diet, an HEI score between 51 and 80 implies a diet that needs impr ovement, and an HEI score less
bthan 51 implies a poor diet.
Sample size relatively small to make reliable comparisons.
SOURCE:U.S. Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals.

Percentage of Children Ages 2 to 18 by Age, Poverty
Status, and Diet Quality as Measured by the Healthy
Eating Index, 3-Year Average 1994– 1996

Good Needs Poor
Characteristic dieta improvementa dieta
Age 2– 5
At or below poverty 19 70 11
Above poverty 28 65 7
Ages 6– 12
At or below poverty 10 78 12
Above poverty 12 78 10
Ages 13– 18
At or below poverty 3 b 72 25
Above poverty 7 74 19
aA Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score above 80 implies a good diet, an HEI
score between 51 and 80 implies a diet that needs improvement, and an HEI
score less than 51 implies a poor diet.
bSample size relatively small to make reliable comparisons.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion, Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by

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