Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Motherese, 278–279
Mothers and motherhood, 295
age, 247–248
employment, 437–440
health, 248–250
malnutrition, 246
postpartum depression, 312–315,
pregnancy, 317–322
prenatal development, 331–333
response to crying, 105
single-parent families, 367–368, 368
stepfamilies, 387–388
surrogates, 399
teenagers, 402–405
See also Parent-child relationships
Motivation, 246–247
Motivational control systems, 33
Motor behavior, 7
Motor development, 207, 279–282, 281
milestones, 273
play, 310
Motor fitness, 141
Movement sensations, 356
Murray, Charles, 340–341
Muscle strength, 141


National Child Abuse and Neglect Data
System (NCANDS), 77
National School Meal Program (NSMP),
Natural childbirth, 283
Naturalistic observation, 283–284
Nature-nurture controversy, 182–183,
Negative reinforcement (operant
conditioning), 237, 345
Neonate, 284
See also Infants
Neurons and brain development, 66–67
New Deal programs, 432–433
crying, 103–104
memory, 257
physical size, 307
tabula rasa, 401
Newman, Katherine, 436
Ngay, Maria, 114
Nicotine and prenatal development,
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM), 370
Nonorganic failure to thrive, 146
Nurture (nature-nurture controversy),
Nutrition, 284–286, 285, 319
Nutritional deprivation
failure to thrive, 147
menarche, 308
physical growth, 307–308


Obesity, 96, 287–289, 288
Object permanence, 289–290, 383
See also Cognitive development
Observational learning, 238–240, 290

Observational research method, 269
Only children. See Birth order and
spacing; Firstborn children
Open adoption, 13–14
See also Adoption
Operant conditioning, 237, 413
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD),
Organic failure to thrive, 146
Organismic Worldview, 414–416
Orphanages, 102–103
Otitis media (ear infection), 129, 230
Overweight, 287

Parallel play, 291, 310–311
See also Play; Social development
Parasomnias, 371
Parent-child relationships, 291–294, 293,
adolescence, 10, 135–136
adolescent employment, 139
emotional development, 133–134
sibling relationships, 364–365
social development, 380
See also Fathers; Mothers and
Parent management training (PMT) of
ADHD, 262
Parental consent for abortion, 2
Parental leave, 294–295
Parenting, 295–300, 298
cognitive development, effect on
children’, 91
fathers’ roles, 148–152
friendship, effects on, 157
Ginott and, 167–168
inductive reasoning, 205
infants’ social development, 377
laissez-faire style, 227
poverty, 315
resiliency of children, 347
sibling relationships, 363–365
single-parent families, 367, 368
stepfamilies, 387
temperamental children, 409
twin studies, 420–421
working mothers, 438–439
Parenting styles, 296–297
Pavlov, Ivan, 235–236
Peers, 10
adolescence, 9–10
aggressive interaction, 20–21
conformity, 98
grief support, 115
social development, 377–378
See also Friendship
Perception of others, 375
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Act, 433–434
Personality characteristics and
temperament, 154, 408
Personality development, 300–305, 301,
Perspective and cognitive development
theory, 88, 89–90
Pets, 305

Phenotype, 305–306
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 306
See also Birth defects
Physical condition of mother and
prenatal development, 332
Physical development, 306
failure to thrive, 145–146
infants, 206
milestones, 273, 273
Physical education programs, 142
Physical fitness, 141
Physical growth, 306–308, 308
Physical therapy, 131
abortion training and services, 3
AIDS/HIV testing, 4
Piaget, Jean, 308–309, 309
cognitive development theory, 88,
88–90, 208, 383, 415–416
egocentrism, 132
object permanence, 288–289
Three Mountain Task, 417–418
Picture walks (reading), 343
Placenta, 309, 328
Planned Parenthood, 3
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), 2
Play, 309–312, 311
social development, 377–378
toys, 418–419
Pneumococcal-conjugate vaccine, 203
Polio vaccine, 202–203
Political reasoning, 376
Positive reinforcement (operant
conditioning), 237, 345
Postpartum depression, 312–315, 313
Poverty, 315–317, 316
African Americans, 14–15
delinquency, 117–118
single-parent families, 367
social class, 373
working mothers, 438–439
Pre-speech vocalizations, 45–46
Preconceptual care, 327
Pregnancy, 317–322, 320
fathers, support of, 150
malnutrition, 246
maternal health, 248
prematurity, 322–324
teenagers, 402–405, 403
Pregnancy tests, 318
Premature infants, 187–188, 188,
322–324, 323, 348
Prenatal care, 249, 323, 323, 324–328,
Prenatal development, 328–333, 329
gender-role development, 162
malnutrition, 246
mental retardation, 266
milestones, 320–321
teratogens, 331
Preschool, 333–336, 335
deafness, 178
emotional development, 134
friendships, 157
gender-role development, 162–163
nutrition, 284–285


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