Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Smiling, 372
Social class, 372–374
Social cognition, 374–376, 407
Social development, 376–381, 379
critical/sensitive period, 102–103
day care, 112
exercise, 143
milestones, 274, 274–275
play, 310–311
television viewing, 407
theory of mind (ToM), 417
Social play, 311
See also Play
Social reasoning, 374–376
Social referencing and personality
development, 302
Social Security Act, 418
Social Security program, 432
Social services
child maltreatment, 79–80
domestic violence, 127
early intervention programs,
poverty, 317
Social values and domestic violence, 126
Socialization and moral development,
Sociocultural theory, 90
Socioeconomic status (SES)
parenting style, 299
racial and ethnic groups, 341
social class, 373
Socioemotional development, 208–209
Sole physical custody, 81
Solitary play, 310
See also Play
Somatosensory system, 355
Southeast-Asian-Americans, 30
Spatial abilities, 381
Special health care needs, 84, 131–132
Special-needs adoptions, 13
Spinal cord development, 67
Spock, Benjamin, 381–382, 382
Sports, 142
injury, 212–213
social development, 379
Spousal notification of abortion, 2
Stages of development, 382–385, 384
See also Erikson, Erik; Piaget, Jean
Standard American English (SAE), 64
Standardized testing, 385
State Children’s Health Insurance
Program (SCHIP), 175–176, 385–386
abortion, 1
ADHD, 261
adoption, 11–12
autistic disorder, 41
birthweight, 61, 62, 63
child maltreatment, 77–78
conduct problems, 262
day care, 110–111
divorce, 122
divorce mediation, 253
domestic violence, 124–125

employment of adolescents, 137,
failure to thrive, 147
families, 295
home schooling, 192–193
imaginary playmates, 200
immunization, 203
in vitro fertilization, 204–205
injury, 211–212, 213
latchkey children, 232
menarche, average age of, 308
poverty, 14, 315
premature infants, 322–323
prenatal health care, 323
sexual behavior of adolescents,
360–361, 361
single-parent families, 367
stepfamilies, 386
substance abuse, 392
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS), 394
suicide, 396–397
teenage pregnancy, 402, 403
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF), 434
violence, 426
working mothers, 437
Stepfamilies, 64, 386–388, 387
See also Blended families
Stepfathers. See Fathers
Stepmothers. See Mothers and
Strange Situation (attachment theory),
22, 34, 300, 411–412
Stranger anxiety, 388
Street children, 183, 388–389
See also Homeless children
Stress, 333, 389, 389–391
Stretching and exercise, 141–142
Stuttering and language development,
Substance abuse, 391–394, 393
African Americans, 16, 392
crime, 426
prenatal development, 330
sexual behavior of adolescents, 361
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS),
394–396, 395
Suicidal ideation, 397
Suicide, 16, 396–399, 426–427
Suicide prevention, 398–399
Sulloway, Frank, 60, 154
Super, Donald, 435
Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Low Income Women, Infants, and
Children, 286, 435
Supply reduction (drugs), 392
Surrogate motherhood, 399
See also Reproductive technologies
Swaddling of infants, 399
Symbolic thought, 399–400
Sympathy and emotional development,
Synapses and brain development, 66–67
Systematic desensitization (classical
conditioning), 236

Tabula rasa (newborns), 401
Taste (sense), 355, 356
Tay-Sachs disease, 401–402
Tears, 103
Teenage pregnancy, 402–405, 403
Teenagers. See Adolescence
Television, 405–408, 406
Temper tantrums, 408
Temperament, 408–412, 409
infants, 209, 300, 301, 377
sibling relationships, effects on, 363
stepfamilies, adjustments to, 387
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF), 434
Teratogens, 330, 331, 412–413
Theories of development, 413–417
See also Erikson, Erik; Freud,
Sigmund; Piaget, Jean
Theory of mind (ToM), 417
Thomas, Alexander, 410, 412
Thorndike, Edward, 237
Three Mountain Task, 417–418
Title V (law), 418
Title XXI (law), 175–176
anger, 24
computer use, 96–97
crying, 104
emotional development, 133–134
gender-role development, 162–163,
language development, 228–229
maltreatment of, 79
memory, 257–258
nutrition, 284–285
preoperational period of
development, 415
psychoanalytic theory, 414
reading, 342
temper tantrums, 408
working mothers, 439–440
Touch, 355, 418
Toxemia, 332
Toys, 239, 418–419
Transracial adoption, 13
Traumatic brain injury, 213–214
Traumatic injury, 210–211
ADHD, 39, 39–40
anxiety disorders, 263
autistic disorders, 41–42
conduct disorder, 262–263
depression, 264
failure to thrive, 147
obesity, 288–289
postpartum depression, 313–314
Truancy, 419
Turner syndrome, 419
Twin studies, 419–422, 421
nature-nurture controversy, 183
social development, 377
temperament, 411


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