Abecedarian project, 76–77, 101, 104,
109–115, 120–124
curriculum, 111–112
outcomes, 112–115, 120–124
program characteristics, 104, 109
replication studies, 115–120
study design, 109–111
Academic performance/attainment
ECD program outcomes, 75–76,
77, 88–90, 93–94, 121–122
preschool rationale, 104–107
summer losses, 108
Access to ECD programs
a priority goal, 10–12, 80
in Canada, 177, 180–181, 183
in Colombia, 148, 150
in developing countries, 81
in Indonesia, 234, 236, 237,
in Jamaica, 205, 207, 208–209
population assessments and, 269,
276, 280, 284
Step by Step Program, 156–158
strategies for improving, 4, 22, 29
Accountability, in market-oriented
ECD approach, 26
Acheson, D., 47, 60
Adrenal gland. SeeLimbic-
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Africa, 34, 64, 71, 81, 98, 258
Allostatic regulation, 52–53
Amygdala, 51
Antisocial/criminal behavior
attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder and, 61
developmental factors, 61–62
ECD program outcomes, 76, 90,
122–123, 124
prevalence, 61
Argentina, 69, 157
Atkinson Charitable Foundation, 178
At-risk children
assessment.SeeEarly Develop-
ment Instrument (EDI)
ECD program outcomes, 21–22
endowments and scholarships
for, 22–30
in all social classes, 171–173
outcomes of limited learning
opportunities, 107
targeting ECD programs to, 10,
11, 28–29, 97, 116–117, 163,
169, 172–173, 239–240
vulnerability and family income,
vulnerability and socioeconomic
status, 194
Attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder, 59, 60–61
Australia, 59, 66, 197, 271, 273, 276,
277, 280, 283
Australian Early Development
Index, 277
Baltic countries, 157, 163
Bank–Netherlands Partnership
Program, 9
Better Beginnings, Better Futures,
Bolivia, 6
Integrated Child Development
Project, 260
Brain development, experience-based,
2–3, 39, 44, 48–55, 255–256
children’s development trajecto-
ries, 44, 58, 179, 255, 264, 266,
269, 274, 275, 284
critical periods for, 44, 48, 49–50,
immune system, 53–55
in early childhood, lifelong
effects on health, behavior,
literacy, 50, 57–70, 255
language skills and literacy, 64