World Bank Document

(Ann) #1

with Early Development
Instrument, 197, 198, 277
See also Early Development
Instrument (EDI); Intervention
research; Outcomes of ECD
Demographic and Health Surveys, 283
Developing countries
challenges for early child
development in, 81
ECD investment and funding, 9,
10, 70–75
Impact Evaluation Initiative, 9–10
lessons for ECD program design,
87, 96–98, 263, 266
literacy in, 64
population-based assessments in,
12, 280–286
role of international agencies
in, 81
vulnerability of children in, 173
See also specific countryand Early
Development Instrument (EDI)
Diet and nutrition, 74–75
Dominican Republic, 225–232, 258
See alsoCompetitive Fund for Educa-
tional Innovations, Dominican Re-
Dropout rate, preschool enrollment
and, 235–236
Dyslexia, 64

Early child development (ECD)
agenda for, 1–14, 284–288
early learning, 105–106
human development and,
Industrial Revolution and, 45–46
investing in, 13
lifelong effects on health, behav-
ior, literacy, 50, 57–70, 255
monitoring rationale, 183, 184
nature vs. nurture in, 55–57
need for science linkages and new
understanding, 258–260
next steps, 284–287
population-based assessment,
rationale for investing in,
256–258, 287–288

recent symposia and conferences
on, 6–9
societal benefits, 45, 47–48, 253,
World Bank programs and
policies, 4–10
See alsoBrain development,
experience-based; Early Devel-
opment Instrument (EDI);
Investment in ECD programs;
Outcomes of ECD programs;
Programs and interventions to
promote ECD; Public awareness
of ECD, promotion of
Early Child Development Project,
Philippines’s, 260
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study,
Early Development Instrument (EDI)
adaptability to local conditions,
197–198, 199–200
advantages, 281
applications, 175–178, 191,
194–197, 254, 276–277
Australian Early Development
Index, 277
Canadian data, 192–194, 276–277
challenges, 284
community research, 175–178
definition of vulnerability in, 192
domains and sub-domains,
implementation considerations,
next steps, 285, 287
normative data, 191–192
population-based assessment in
developing countries, 280–284
purpose, 175, 183–184, 185, 200,
273, 275
reliability and validity, 187–191
requirements for implementa-
tion, 198
scope, 185–187, 273, 274
scoring, 187
significant features, 274–275
societal indicators, 196–197
socioeconomic status and child
vulnerability, 192–194
use of findings, 273–274, 277,

Index 299
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