Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
Note to Parents
On using a cordless or electric
I don’t recommend children using a
power drill until they have mastered
the brace and bit drill and are much
older, and then only under strict
parental supervision. Using a
smaller diameter drill bit such as a
1/8” in a cordless drill is safer than
using a larger diameter bits but
there is still a danger of the bit
grabbing. When a bit grabs (using
an electric drill) it can spin the piece
of wood right off the workbench. If
the bit stops turning completely the
your wrist which can be very
painful. The way to avoid both of
these situations is to make sure the
work piece is clamped securely in
place and to have a firm grip on the
drill’s body with your left hand (if
you’re right handed) and your right
hand on the trigger.

Lesson 5


Drilling holes is something that you’ll do almost as often as using a
handsaw. Obviously there are two things you need to make holes in
wood, a drill and bits. Let’s look at the drill first.

There are many ways and many tools you can use to
drill holes. Some are hand powered, some are
powered by electricity, and rechargeable batteries
power others. I highly recommend starting out using
a hand-powered drill such as a hand brace drill. They
are far less dangerous than the power drills, and are
actually really fun to use.

Using a brace drill is very simple. After you have a
bit secured in the jaws place the tip of the bit on your
mark where you need a hole. Place your left hand on
the head of the drill and, while pushing, put your
right hand on the handle and turn clockwise to drill a
hole. It is much easier to use the brace and bit with
the work piece on the ground or at least below waist
level with a backer piece of wood underneath to keep
from damaging the bit. By placing it on the ground
you can also place the top handle with your hand
over it against your chest as
you turn the handle. This
will exert more force against
the drill making it cut faster.
An alternative way to use
the brace and bit drill is to
clamp the work piece in a

Items You’ll Need

Brace (Hand Drill)


Scrap wood


Safety glasses

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