Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Effective Methods for Communicating with Children

In this activity, you will:
 Discuss and define the qualities, knowledge and skills that would make an adult
a good counsellor for children in distress

Facilitator’s notes:

The purpose of this activity is to encourage participants to think about
the qualities, knowledge and skills that make adults good listeners and
counsellors for children in difficult circumstances.

The qualities of effective communicators with children:
 Good listening skills
 Empathy – the ability to imagine and understand another person’s experiences
 An interest in children and a desire to protect them; trusted by children
 Openness, honesty and an approachable manner
 Caring and non-judgemental attitude
 The ability to maintain confidentiality.

An important quality of someone who communicates well with children is someone with good
self-understanding. It may be useful for a potential counsellor to undertake a self-critique before
beginning counselling. This critique could involve:
 Reflecting upon one’s own abilities and character
 Reflecting upon whether one’s own behaviour towards children is ethical and congruent with
the values expressed in the home visitor training
 Reflecting upon one’s own attitude and personal values
 Reflecting upon one’s ability to communicate with and understand children
 Reflecting on one’s own experiences and challenges as a child.
(For example, are there any unresolved personal issues that need to be dealt with?)

Knowledge needed to communicate with and counsel children:
 Knowing how to assess the child’s understanding
 Knowing what the likely reactions from a child will
be, the difficult questions they may ask and how to
handle them
 Knowing how to handle your own feelings
and reactions during the process of

It is important that a counsellor controls the urge to
tell a child what to do when counselling. Listen to a
child and try to assess his or her experience or
problems, with the aim of considering options or
actions to help and support the child.

This is a long activity.
It is linked with Activity 4,
where you will have the
opportunity to review
parts of this activity, so
also look at that activity
in your planning.

note !!

Activity 3

(^178) Unit 2, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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