Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Factors that Influence Behaviour

In this activity, you will:
 Explore the different factors that can influence the way that children may behave

Facilitator’s notes:

In this activity, you’ll be discussing the environmental and psychological factors that may cause children
to behave in certain ways. You’ll also discuss how these factors may hinder positive behavioural
changes from taking place.

For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers
 Copies of Handout 1

To facilitate this activity:

1 Ask participants to list the factors that they think influence
behaviour. Then ask the group:

  • How do these factors influence behaviour in a positive way?

  • How can these factors influence a child’s behaviour in a negative way?

  • How can negative factors be minimised or changed?

Factors that influence behaviour include the following:

  • Environment / life circumstances

  • Peer groups

  • Culture

  • Knowledge and experience

  • Beliefs

  • Personality

  • Emotions/feelings and attitudes

  • Instincts

  • Intelligence.

The following factors can hinder behaviour change:

  • Lack of control over one’s life or destiny

  • Inability to express or act on what one needs or wants

  • Lack of information

  • Peer pressure

  • Poor decision making skills

  • Harmful cultural factors, such as the devaluation of girls.

Activity 2

45 minutes

(^270) Unit 2, Module 4 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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