Spiritual Health in Children
Handout 1 - Module 2 Topic 7
Spiritual - concerning the spirit rather than the external material world or body; dealing
with a sense of the sacred or religious.
Moral - having a sense of right and wrong; living according to an accepted code of
Some signs of spiritual distress
Lack of meaning and purpose in life, expressed as:
- Feelings of despair, helplessness, loneliness and not wanting to live
- Withdrawal from life – loss of the desire to communicate or eat
- Exhibiting angry and disruptive behaviour.
Lack of love, expressed as: - Cautious about loving people
- Worry and depression
- Guilt
- Anger
- Not able to receive love
- Not trusting people.
Lack of hope, creativity and independence, expressed as: - Anxiety about the future
- Displaying overly dependant behaviour or seeking attention
- Denial of the reality of the condition.
Some signs of spiritual and moral health
Has meaning and purpose in life, expressed as:
- A desire to participate in religious activities according to faith
- Hope for the future
- Contentment in life.
Needs to and is able to receive love, expressed as: - Confidence in caregivers
- Feeling forgiven by God and other people; shows freedom from guilt feelings
- Trust in God / others with situations which he or she has no control over.
Needs to give love, expressed as: - Love for others through actions
- Seeking the good for others.
Expresses hope, creativity and independence, expressed as: - Asking questions about his condition
- Learning to value his or her inner self, besides his or her physical self
- Setting goals and having a sense of a future
- Having hope in life and wanting to achieve positive things.
(^322) Appendix 1, Handouts Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children