- Methods and skills
After an experiential activity, did the trainer ask questions that lead to an effective critical analysis?
Did the trainer use a variety of training methods effectively?
Did the trainer facilitate participation in the group effectively?
Did the trainer demonstrate the ability to deal with a difficult situation adequately?
Did the trainer document and use feedback from participants?
Did the trainer display an ability to build on what participants already knew?
Did the trainer ask appropriate questions to see if participants were following the presentation?
Did the trainer probe participants to ask questions and raise concerns?
Did the trainer provide constructive criticism? - Summary
The trainer’s strengths: __
What the trainer can do to improve: __________________________________________________________________
What were the objectives of the training: _____________________________________________________________
Did the training accomplish these objectives? Say why or why not: ______________________________________
Signed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Appendix 2, Further Infomation^346