Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

154 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice

Step 4:

analysis and

Learners reflect on the demonstration and observation by
writing in their learning journal. Additionally, learners
should do the following:
 Plan the issues they will discuss with the coach during
 Consider incidental information and determine
whether to discuss it with the coach.
 Consider what they might do differently the next time.
Coaches should spend this time organizing information to
accurately describe and discuss the learning event in Step 5
of the coaching model. Coaches should do the following to
 Identify possible factors that have influenced the event.
 Look for patterns and themes, specifically as they relate
to the learner’s focus for the coaching partnership.
 Consider incidental information and determine
whether it was significant enough to mention.
 Decide whether the information was consistent with
what the learner intended.
 Think about recommendations or suggestions for the

Step 5:

reflection and

Coaches and learners engage in a formal coaching
conversation and reflect and provide feedback on the
observation and demonstration. Coaches facilitate
reflection prior to offering feedback to ensure the learner’s
reflection is not overly influenced by the coach’s feedback.
During this session the coach will provide support,
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