Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

The Endocrine System


Student Objectives (Continued)

  • State the functions of thyroxine and T 3 , and
    describe the stimulus for their secretion.

  • Explain how parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
    work as antagonists.

  • Explain how insulin and glucagon work as antago-

  • State the functions of epinephrine and norepineph-
    rine, and explain their relationship to the sympa-
    thetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

  • State the functions of aldosterone and cortisol, and
    describe the stimulus for secretion of each.

  • State the functions of estrogen, progesterone,
    testosterone, and inhibin and state the stimulus for
    secretion of each.

  • Explain what prostaglandins are made of, and state
    some of their functions.

  • Explain how the protein hormones are believed to
    exert their effects.

  • Explain how the steroid hormones are believed to
    exert their effects.

New Terminology

Alpha cells (AL-fah SELLS)
Beta cells (BAY-tah SELLS)
Catecholamines (KAT-e-kohl-ah-MEENZ)
Corpus luteum (KOR-pus LOO-tee-um)

Gluconeogenesis (GLOO-koh-nee-oh-JEN-i-sis)
Glycogenesis (GLIGH-koh-JEN-i-sis)
Glycogenolysis (GLIGH-ko-jen-OL-i-sis)
Hypercalcemia (HIGH-per-kal-SEE-mee-ah)
Hyperglycemia (HIGH-per-gligh-SEE-mee-ah)
Hypocalcemia (HIGH-poh-kal-SEE-mee-ah)
Hypoglycemia (HIGH-poh-gligh-SEE-mee-ah)
Hypophysis (high-POFF-e-sis)
Islets of Langerhans (EYE-lets of LAHNG-er-hanz)
Prostaglandins (PRAHS-tah-GLAND-ins)
Renin-angiotensin mechanism (REE-nin AN-jee-
Sympathomimetic (SIM-pah-tho-mi-MET-ik)
Target organ (TAR-get OR-gan)

Related Clinical Terminology
Acromegaly (AK-roh-MEG-ah-lee)
Addison’s disease (ADD-i-sonz)
Cretinism (KREE-tin-izm)
Cushing’s syndrome (KOOSH-ingz SIN-drohm)
Diabetes mellitus (DYE-ah-BEE-tis mel-LY E-tus)
Giantism (JIGH-an-tizm)
Goiter (GOY-ter)
Graves’ disease (GRAYVES)
Ketoacidosis (KEY-toh-ass-i-DOH-sis)
Myxedema (MIK-suh-DEE-mah)
Pituitary dwarfism (pi-TOO-i-TER-ee DWORF-

Terms that appear in bold typein the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.

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