Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • Analyzing Wind Data

The most common wind analysis procedure uses a windrose which is a scaled
graphical presentation of the wind information.

a- Drawing the windrose:
The standard windrose is a series of
concentric circles cut by radial lines.
The perimeter of each concentric
circle represents the division between
successive wind speed groupings.
Radial lines are drawn dividing the
windrose into 16 wind, as illustrated
in the following figure.

b- Plotting wind data:
Each segment of the windrose
represents a wind direction and speed
grouping corresponding to the wind
direction and speed. The recorded
directions and speeds of the wind are
converted to a percentage of the total
recorded observations. The following
figure illustrates a completed
windrose analysis based on data from
Table 4- 24.
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