Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Noting that the airport is assumed to be opened in 2027.

b- The following assumptions will be followed to find out the percentage of
West Bank citizens who may use Al-Auja Airport in 2027:

  • Economic growth and development in the infrastructure and transportation sector will
    lead to an increase of 5%.

  • Eliminating the restrictions caused by the Israeli occupation leads to an increase of 3%.

  • Having a closer airport within Palestine without the need to travel to a nearby country
    will increase the percentage by 2%.

So, the total increment between 2019 and 2027 is 10%.

c- As explained previously, the average percentage of West Bank citizens who
will travel by Al-Auja Airport is 22.3% nowadays (Table 5 - 6) and will be
32.3% in 2027.

d- For the growth rate in air passengers demand in the coming years assume the

  • An annual increment of 2% through 2023-2030, so the percentage will be 46.3% in

  • An annual increment of 1% through 2031-2037, so the percentage will be 54.3% in

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