Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • It was indicated in the FAA, AC 150/5380-13, that an airport may have peak hour
    operations as high as 12 to 20 percent of daily total operations. So, the peak hour
    operation is assumed to be 16 percent of daily total operations.

  • Assuming that the percentage of inbound and outbound passengers is the same for air
    travel demand as the percentage of passengers using Al- Karama Crossing, then at the
    airport, the peak hour is:

% inbound volume = 50.7% * 16% = 8.112%.
% outbound volume = 49.3% * 16% = 7.888%.

Total Forecasted Air Demand through Al-Auja Airport:

Table 5- 23 shows the total expected air passengers' volume who will use Al-Auja
International Airport through 2027-2050.

Table 5 - 23Total Forecasted Air Demand of Al- Auja Airport 2027-


Peak Hour Volume
Peak Daily


Total Air

Phase Year (^) Volume (^) (8.112%)In (^) (7.888%)Out (^)
2027 - 2034 2034 7,820,525 893,716 28,830 2,339 2,274 4,613
2035 - 2042 2042 12,714,453 1,446,800 46,671 3,786 3,681 7,467
2043 - 2050 2050 20,240,881 2,280,546 73,566 5,968 5,803 11,771

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