Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

5.3.3 Total Airport Demand

Peak Daily Volume:
It was indicated in the FAA, AC 150/5380-13, that the demand for the average day of the
peak month of the design year is determined simply by dividing the peak month demand
by the number of days in that month.

  • In general: Peak daily volume = (Peak monthly volume) / 31.

Inbound and outbound percentage
Table 5- 22 shows the percentage of inbound and outbound passengers through Al-Karama
crossing. Data were obtained from General Administration Borders and Crossing (2014-

Table 5 - 22 Percentage of inbound and outbound passengers

Year Total inbound Total outbound
2014 829,720 816,308
2015 926,831 908,215
2016 1,034,984 1,004,020
2017 1,257,521 1,192,038
2018 1,076,953 1,083,151
2019 1318,496 1,254,296
Total 6,444,505 6,258,028
Total Volume 12,702,533
% inbound 50.7%
%outbound 49.3%
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