101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

animal, 261–262
archetypal, 261–262
child, 261–262
imaginative, 261–262
Chelf, J. H., 253
Child therapists, 121, 241
Childhood, 28, 155, 173, 268
Children, xvii, 22, 245, 246, 251, 252
pre-school, 245
Choices, 110, 185, 203
Cinderella, 234
Client case(s), 251, 254
Metaphors built on, 251–252
Cognitive, 81, 241, 260
development, 231
distortions, 241
processes(ing), 139, 173, 232
approaches, 139
framework, 237
therapy, 154, 238, 242
Coleman, S. D., 259
Collaboration, 275
tales of, 42–44
Communication, 27, 38, 218
effective, 3–4, 269–270
lack of skills, 184
parent-child, 266
primary mode of, 25
process of, 16, 19
skills, 131
Compassion, 96, 102, 116
Compliment(s), 79, 118
Compromise(s), 108, 167
Computer games, xviii
Conduct disorders, 81, 102, 238, 258, 266–
Confidence(t), 17, 32, 40, 61, 92, 139, 152–
154, 204, 230, 261
Conflict(s), 9, 102
family, 201
father-son, 201


Index 297

parental, 160, 189, 198
resolution, 184
Consequences, 74, 156, 158
Considerate(ion), 74, 107, 151, 158, 163, 165
Contentment, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128
Context, 26, 232
Cooperation, 107, 118
Costantino, G. 233
Covich, S., 211
Creativity, 88, 247
Cross cultural, 250–251
tales, 250–251
Cultural, 22
differences, 213
stories(y), 254
values, 233
Culture, 233–234
Cummings, A. L., 24
Custody, 102, 103, 104

Dadds, M. R., 266
Dahl, R., 20
Death, 9, 38, 139, 141, 220, 225, 244, 248,
Decisions, 155, 158
Decision-making, 4, 158, 221, 270
skills, 110, 165, 221
Dependence(y), 52, 62, 64, 88
Depression, 38, 61, 62, 121, 173, 222, 235,
238, 241
Deschler, A. M. B., 253
Despair, 62, 214
skills, 155
stage(s), 155, 260
stories of dlife skills, 155–172
Differences, 106, 107
cultural, 213
racial, 213
Disability, 214, 216
Discipline, 8–9
Discriminating(ion), 66, 86, 110, 112, 150
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