Spoken English: Flourish Your Language
1120 Spoken English II I've been looking forward to hearing from her = I have been looking forward to hearing from her I've bee ...
II Contractions would've = would have I would've finished had I had the time = I would have fin- ished had I had the time I wou ...
1122 It'll = It will It'll be a while = It will be a while. That'll = That will That'll be the day = That will be the day. Spo ...
II Contractions it'll = it will I'm sorry. It'll never happen again = I am sorry. It will never happen again. that'll = that wil ...
(BHAPIER 2. Pronunciation The first English lesson should deal with pronunciation. When you don't do pronunciation first, you ha ...
1\ Pronunciation^2511 If you have a digital perception of your pronunciation, you have the following advantage: If, through prac ...
1126 Spoken English II It's a general opinion that it is a good habit to speak slowly and carefully in a foreign language. Learn ...
II Pronunciation 2711 coarse course complement compliment dam damn dear deer die dye fair fare fir fur flour flower for four hai ...
11 (^28) Spoken English II none nun oar or one won palr pear peace plece plain plane poor pour pray prey principal principle pro ...
II Pronunciation 29 II steal steel suite sweet tail tale their there to too/two toe tow waist waste walt weight way weigh weak w ...
Spoken English II with a vowel sound UNdERSTANdiNG vOWEls ANd CONSONANTS fOR liNkiNG To understand linking, it is important to k ...
II Pronunciation We say it like this: tur noff Remember that it's the sound that matters. In the next example, 'have' ends with: ...
11 32 base verb (vi) Work past simple (v2) worked Spoken English II past participle (v3) worked In addition, many adjectives are ...
II Pronunciation EXCEPTioNS The following adjectives ending in -ed are always pronounced with IId/; aged blessed crooked dogged ...
we write with we say with the house consonant (h) thuh house consonant sound the hour consonant (h) thee our vowel sound the uni ...
Duty doody or dootee DYOO-tee -- Err aIr ur ~ Era AIR-uh EER-uh § ~. Ye (as in ye olde forte) ye the The Y is actually an old An ...
snobby way to say it. Usurp Vice-versa VUR-suh ENqlisl-t PRONUNCiATioN Tips Tip 1 Spoken English II OO-surp yoo-ZURP vlCe-vers ...
II Pronundation^3711 gym and exercising your body. Use the program to exercise your mouth a little bit each day. SilENT lETTERS ...
11 (^38) Spoken English II honest listen knock comb hour match knickers doubt while Christmas knuckle plumQer white mor!gage kni ...
\\ Pronunciation 39\\ Mn at the end of a word (silent n), e.g. damn, autumn, col- umn Ps at the beginning of a word (silent p), ...
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