Microsoft Word - The Richest Man In Babylon
The Camel Trader of Babylon 95 out the copper he knew all too well how unwelcome he would be. In his abstraction he unexpectedly ...
94 a tale." Tarkad flinched from the brutal frankness of Da- basir, but here at least was an invitation to enter the coveted doo ...
96 The RICHESTMAN INBABYLON Dabasir pushed him to a far corner of the room where they seated themselves upon small rugs. When Ka ...
The Camel Trader of Babylon 97 semicircle. They crunched noisily in the ears of Tar- kad and brushed him with their meaty bones. ...
98 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON from my friends, but could not repay them either. Things went from bad to wor se. My wif e returned t ...
The Camel Trader of Babylon 99 face was impassive as she looked upon me. I turned from her with little consolation. The next was ...
100 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON a man has within him the soul of a fr ee m an, will he not become respected and honoured in has own ...
The Camel Trader of Babylon 101 " 'Does not thy great king fight his enemies in every way he can and with every force he has? Th ...
102 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON " 'Happiness,' she responded, 'awaits not the run- away wife who seeks it in far lands among strange ...
The Camel Trader of Babylon 103 "Could it be that in this peaceful quiet I faced my e n d? M y m i n d w a s c l e ar e r t h a ...
104 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON "My debts were my enemies, but the men I owed w er e m y fr i en ds f or t he y ha d tr us te d m e ...
The Camel Trader of Babylon 105 them met me gladly. Several reviled me but others offered to help me; one indeed did give me the ...
The Clay Tablets from Babylon ST. SWITHIN'S COLLEGE Nottingham University Newark-on-Trent Nottingham October 21, 1 934 Frofessor ...
The Clay Tablets from Babylon 107 Y o u w i l l b e a s a s t o n i s h e d a s w e i n t h e l a b o r a t o r y a t t h e s t ...
106 Now, when the moon becometh full, I, Dabasir, who a m b u t r e c e n tl y r e t ur n e d f r o m sl a v e ry i n S y ri a , ...
108 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON native city of Babylon, do here engrave upon the clay a permanent record of my affairs to guide and ...
The Clay Tablets from Babylon 109 of what I earn for these worthy purposes. Herein lieth the success of the plan. I must live up ...
110 THERICHESTMAN INBABYLON TABLETTHREE To these creditors do I owe in total one hundred and nineteen pieces of silver and one h ...
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