Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing

(Axel Boer) #1

Please write back to me as soon as possibleattheaboveaddressorcallmeon
my mobile number (07364 957 143). Ilookforwardto hearingfromyousoon.


( 159 words)

Sample 18

Youshouldspendabout 20 minutesonthistask.

You have been invited to attend an

interview for a place studying a courseinacollege.Unfortunatelybecauseofa
previousappointmentyoucannotcome atthetimetheywish.

Write a letter to the admissions tutor andexplainyourposition.Apologiseand
offertocomeonanotherday orlaterthesameday.Askalsohowlongthe

Youshouldwriteatleast 150 words.

You doNOT need to write your ownaddress.Begin yourletterasfollows:



15 thMayinvitingmeforaninterviewat your college on Wednesday 2nd June at
10 am. I am extremely sorry but I am unabletocometoaninterviewatthattime
because I have a maths exam thatmorning.ItreallycannotImissthisexam but
ofcourseIreallywishtoattendtheinterviewwith you.IsitpossiblethatIcouldcometo
theinterviewthesameday butintheafternoon?Failingthat,Iwould beabletocome
thenextday orany dayafter.
Iwouldalsoliketoasksomethingsabouttheinterview.Iwouldliketo knowhowlongit
willlastandalsowhetherIwillberequiredto doanytestsduringit.

Once again I apologise for not being abletoattendtheinterviewatthetimethatyou
wantedandIhopeIwillbeabletomeetwith youatanothertime.

Ilookforwardto hearingfromyousoon.Yourssincerely,

JamesWalker( 179 words)Sample 19

Youshouldspendabout 20 minutesonthis

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